star spangled banner




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1·They may be doing it in red, white and blue and we may all be singing the star spangled banner but they're doing quite well.
2·Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror.
3·Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror.
4·There's a huge star spangled banner draped across the classroom table and the deputy headmaster has laid out a number of Barack Obama biographies.
< span="" o<=""> 有披着教室桌子对面的大明星美国的旗帜和副校长已经制定了一大批奥巴马传记。
5·Four decades after the last astronauts landed on the moon and planted an American flag in lunar soil, scientists wondered: 'Does that star spangled banner yet wave?
6·The sight of the flag still flying in the early morning after the battle led Francis Scott Key to write his famous poem, "The Star Spangled Banner, " to celebrate the American victory.
在那场让Francis Scott Key 写出纪念战争胜利的著名诗篇‘星条旗’的战争结束后,星条旗仍在清早飘扬起来。
7·You've seen it rippling in the breeze. It goes by many names: Stars and Stripes, Star-Spangled Banner, Old Glory, or the Red, White, and Blue.
8·He'd been playing the baritone horn in his school band and couldn't wait to perform "the Star-Spangled Banner" to kick off the games.
9·Why is it that so many of us can sing the theme song to Gilligan's Island but not all of the words to the Star-Spangled Banner?
10·Besides Dvorak, Gershwin and Wagner, the orchestra played the "Star-Spangled Banner", which was heard respectfully.
更新时间:2025-03-29 06:01